One Month Before The Move
- Hire a moving company or rent a truck to move all of your personal belongings and furniture.
- Locate and obtain all moving supplies such as boxes, tape, rope, newspapers for packing and old blankets.
- Plan the route you are taking if you plan to drive to your new location.
- Save all moving expense receipts for things like meals, gas, lodging etc. Some moving expenses are tax deductible, so check with your tax professional.
- Pack the things you use the most, last.
- Use a Change of Address Form from the Post Office to change your address. Be sure to notify your friends and family of your move.
- Notify federal and state taxing authorities or any other government agency needed.
Two Weeks Before The Move
- Notify utilities companies of your move and ask for a final reading and a disconnect date. Arrange for services at the new address.
- Notify phone, cellular phone and long distance companies of your move and arrange for service at your new address.
- If you are driving to your new residence, have your car serviced prior to departure.
- If you have pets, arrange for someone to take care of them or make any special arrangements needed for their travel..
- Confirm moving company or rental truck arrangements.
- Notify your bank if you are leaving the city as well as your credit card companies if you will be using your cards more than normal and in a different state.
One Day Before The Move
- Do not pack moving materials…keep them separate from everything else.
- If hiring a rental truck, pick it up.
- Check oil and tire and fill car with gas if you are driving.